Sunday, December 4, 2011


Bulletin Article 12/4/11

Last week the readings spoke of being prepared. This week we turn the attention from ourselves to our neighbors (as Jesus so often does). We hear, “Prepare the way of the Lord.” In this line, we can sum up our responsibility as followers of Christ. One thing we can learn from the earliest Christians (see Acts of the Apostles) is that they knew the responsibility given to them to let the world know that Christ was coming. Although Christ himself told His disciples that they would know neither the day nor the hour of His second coming, they had a hunch that it was going to be fairly soon. Over the centuries the anticipation for Christ’s second coming seems to have lessened and, in some instances, been mocked. This is why the season of Advent is so special. We take four weeks, not just a day or few moments, to awake within us that unique anticipation and longing.

Not knowing the day or the hour of His coming should not scare us if we are living our lives in anticipation for it. If we believe that Jesus was incarnate of the Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit, He cured the sick, healed lepers, suffered death, rose again in accordance with the scriptures, then we must believe that He is coming again. And so my challenge this week, my brothers and sisters, is to awaken within ourselves the longing and joyful anticipation of Christ coming again. Let’s start by allowing Him to enter into our hearts and helping others to do the same. Are you prepared?

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