Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama WILL BE President--Accept it and Respect it

I do not agree with the majority of Barack Obama’s views. However he has been elected as our next President. As a Catholic Christian, I believe that ALL life is sacred, including Barack Obama’s. He was created in the image and likeness of God with a dignity—he was created out of love for love. I am not saying that we have to agree with everything he stands for or that we shouldn’t be writing to our congressmen to fight some of the laws he wants to pass (ie. The Freedom of Choice Act). What I am saying is that we must have faith in the American people and our government that our new president will do his job the way it supposed to be done—to take into account ALL views of the American people, not just the democratic party.

I am so proud to be part of history. Think back to the struggles African Americans went through in this country. Slavery, of course is the most predominant occurrence of the African-American struggle in this country, but what about the Anti-bellum era, the 1950s and 60s? What about their struggles today? I was overwhelmed on the night of the election when I noticed most of my friends reacted so emotionally to an Obama victory—and rightly so. This election meant so much more to one particular race in this country than just issues and campaigning. This was a milestone in American History, more importantly, Black-American history. After 236 years of white presidents, a black man has been ELECTED to the highest office in the world.

As a white male, I have grown up with white presidents, mostly white school teachers, mostly white classmates (until college) and what is known to some as the “white advantage.” I was completely taken back by the number of my friends who posted “I cannot believe it. I am crying tears of joy. We did it. Finally!” How many times have you heard a white person say, “I am so happy that there is finally a white person in this particular job,” That would be absurd. There is something to be said about the overwhelming sensation over overcoming a giant obstacle—something that because of its commonality in the white community is taken for granted. Why is that joy missing from the rest of the American people?

So I congratulate Mr. Obama for his election. My prayers go out to him as my future leader. I hope that he will stay true to the values that shape this country. That the values of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are protected and not discarded. I pray that he does a great job as a leader and can prove me wrong for not supporting him. I pray that those of us who are struggling to find the good that can come from an Obama presidency to have faith. I pray for those who are doubtful that these people open their eyes and look at the common good and understand that Barack Obama will swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States to the best of his ability. We cannot judge him or condemn him—his actions lie between him and God. We must stand firm and stand up as Americans and as a people who serve their God and their country. God bless America.

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